My Confidentiality Policy

I strongly believe that everyone should have the chance to speak freely and without fear of sharing information. I therefore offer confidentiality except where the following applies:

If I have a legal duty to share information. My notes can be subpoenaed by a court if I have them and they are relevant to a legal case. Please inform me if you are involved in legal action so we can discuss this before we begin and discussions.

Under the Terrorism Act, I am legally obliged to inform the police if I become aware of any Terrorist actions, either past or future.

Under the money laundering act, I am legally obliged to inform the police if I become aware of Money laundering.

When working with young people I have a moral duty to ensure that children are protected, and they will be made aware of this before any work starts. If I am working within a school, I may have additional responsibilities and Safeguarding policies to follow, set out by the school.

If I feel that someone is in immediate risk of serious harm, I have a moral duty to minimise the risk of harm. Whenever possible, this will be through the client, or potential client, taking action themselves with my support, with their agreement for me to speak on their behalf, or, in very rare circumstances (such as where harm would be serious or made worse if I were to discuss it) without their consent.

I also meet with a supervisor where your information may be discussed in a broad way. Effort is made to ensure you are not identifiable and my supervisor will also be bound by confidentiality as set out by the BACP and NCS.